All have been raised with care and concern for their health and happiness. We hope to find homes that will treat them the same. Hens start to lay eggs at 18-22 weeks of age. These pullets will begin to lay eggs the last week of June or first of July.
Available breeds:
- Ancona—Lays white egg, bright and snappy with black and white patches
- Brown Leghorns—Lays white eggs, spirited birds, rarely broody
- Turken/Naked Neck—Lays large brown egg, good temperament
- Araucanas—Lays blue, green, pink, yellow eggs
- Little Black Giants—Lays dark brown eggs, docile and easy to work with
- Welsummer—Lays brown egg, good forager, hardy in the cold
- New Hampshire Reds—Lay brown eggs, large plump carcass, chestnut red with black tail
$10.00 per pullet. Roosters available also: $5.00 per rooster (Araucana, Acona, Brown Leghorn)